
My name is Kerisha Morrison and I am a part of the movement to change the SYSTEM I can also be reached through here. 

Welcome! JUST AVOID THE COLOR RED and the game is over. Here is what you need to know everything is CODED and the Government/System is using everything diplomatically to control us especially in a negative way. How to beat the SYSTEM silently  and positively focus on the names  and colors of the things you use, eat, wear, places you go and buy from, what  you name your child, animal, and business etc. Now listen, the SYSTEM major color is RED and it’s negative by you using, eating, wearing, buying it or so you are giving the government/SYSTEM the go ahead and credit to exploit, harass and traffic you. You/We can ALL control the SYSTEM diplomatically by putting out POSITIVE Names of People, Animals, Things and Places in that order. Your Homes, Police, Businesses, Schools, Churches, Hospitals, Shelters, Jails, Courts and Government is all a part of it so focus on MOVEMENTS which is what the SYSTEM is diplomatically using mostly with the color RED also if you listen carefully it will also be said. You/We can stop this and win just play your part it’s not a crime or secret for you to be a part. The old saying that life is a game is true however most don’t believe so the SYSTEM/Government keeps playing and win without you knowing. You are already playing however with this information you should play better and play to win. Change is here!

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Yes We Can.

As an advocate for humans, we focus on the treatment scale between humans and animals. We have noticed that humans don’t realize that in most cases animal advocates get on average more attention and emphasis than us humans do. We all Humans need to care about each other more and focus on the little things that are causing us harmful separation. Let’s use our instincts, emotions, and senses and put us, HUMANS, first!

Change the system it need to


STOP BEEN AFRAID! Speak up against EXPLOITATION, HARRASSMENT and Human TRAFFICKING by the SYSTEM. We need a PEACEFUL WORLD, CRIME FREE ATMOSPHERE and UNIVERSE. WE CAN WIN A GAME SHOULD BE FUN AND LAUGHTER,  BE POSITIVE  AND BE THE CHANGE nuh dutty up the WORLD!. We are true believers in humans and their abilities to make the WORLD a better place.